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Devon and Cornwall Longwool Association - News and information

Devon & Cornwall Longwool Association


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Standard of Excellence for Devon and Cornwall Longwool Sheep


Medium sized, flat between the ears, showing good width and well covered with curly wool


Face is white, medium length with broad deep muzzle nostrils dark and open. Exterior lips need to be black. Inside lips and tongue pink.

Eyes full and bright

Ears should be parallel with head and be of medium length and moderate thickness. The ears should be covered outside with smooth white hair and with distinct black spots. Inside they should be pink with little hair.


Short strong and well let-in at the shoulders


Well set, the top level with the back and with the base of the neck


Wide and deep set


Broad, wide and level with a well-developed loin


Deep and of medium length. Ribs well sprung, thick through the heart. Tail well set up on line with the back. Back fleshy. Underline parallel with the back.


Short, well placed at the four corners, straight between the joints with plenty of bone. Well fleshed out to the hocks. Well developed thighs, well wooled to below the knees and hocks.


Should be of medium size and well set up on their joints. The hoof should be black in colour.


The sheep should be evenly covered all over with a coat of long , dense curly wool of wide staple and good quality and free from kemp or hair


Fine, soft and pink

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